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Dog Movie of the Week - Oddball

Tim Sauvarin

Posted on August 17 2020

As many of you know, the dog behind Cider & Basil is a Maremma. So what better way to kick start our first blog and our first movie recommendation with ODDBALL!

Number 1 on our 'MUST WATCH' dog movies list. 


Cider & Basil, Australian Dog Movie Business, Dog movie Review, Maremma Dog

As fans of our doggies we wanted to take a look at good quality dog movies out there! Dog lovers deserve movies that pay respect to our canine companions and what makes them so funny, adorable and all round lovely. This week we sat down to watch ‘Oddball’’

Inspired by the true events of the Middle Island Maremma Project, Oddball is a heart-warming tale of about the mischievous Maremma of a Warrnambool chicken farmer and the discovery of his natural ability to guard little Fairy Penguins. Foxes were swimming across to Middle Island and killing off the last few Fairy Penguins and Swampy (Shane Jacobson) believes Oddball is just the caring protector they need to prevent their extinction

The story follows Swampy’s efforts to carry out his mission and the difficulties and scepticism he faces first from his own family and then the city council who want to turn Middle Island into a Whale Watching station. The film is firmly on the side of the farmer and his excitable but lovable Maremma and there is plenty of laughs and suspense as they defy the odds to show how protecting the penguins is both an achievable and very worthy cause

Oddball may seem like an irritant to many in the community but he more than proves his worth as Maremma sheepdogs have such a strong instinct to guard and protect all manner of defenceless animals. Since 2006 the Maremma Project has seen the Penguin population of Middle Island go from 14 to over 60 and Oddball celebrates that very special victory. This proud, adorable Maremma gives audiences many reasons to celebrate his first steps towards this incredible achievement!

Here's a Trailer of the movie Oddball

Enjoy Dog Lovers & Owners